Author Archives: jimmy

WebDAV Server on Apache

MS Office has native support of WebDAV, you can quickly setup a WebDAV server in Apache for testing, instead of spinning up the fully functioning SharePoint Server.

Here is the quick settings for setting up a Apache WebDAV server.

a2enmod dav
a2enmod dav_fs

And then add a new site in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ as followed.

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
        DocumentRoot /var/www/webdav

        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

        <Directory />
                Options FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride None
        <Directory /var/www/webdav/>
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

        Alias /svn /var/www/webdav/svn
        <Location /svn>
                DAV On

# vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet

Meltdown and Spectre affects you?

These few vulnerabilities claims to be the most widely spread potential security issue in the last few years. M$ and Linux has provided corresponding patch in fixing it. However, the fix is not free, it usually counts for ~10% of performance reduction, the effect may be magnified in IO intensive usage.

I found my machine compiling our source slower than before by slim margin (~30 sec difference) and try to dig out the reason of the slowness.

There are ways to stop the patch in either Linux and Windows.



Honestly, I am not a terrorist nor government officers, given my notebook is sitting behind the company firewall, I am safe to reclaim my PC performance. You may check that out too, but do at your own risk.

Commonly used Java libraries

Java is a classical general purposes language that can do most of the things. Java programming constructs are too primitive that people are complaining about writing redundant code, like sorting, searching, set union or intersection and etc on their own.

In fact, there are ready to use utility libraries that could save us hours in writing common logics, the only matter is the programmer attitude towards re-using others’ code or re-inventing the wheels.

Most of the utilities come from the following sources. I always search before I write code.
1. JDK
2. Apache Common
3. Spring Utilities
4. Google Guava

Here are my favourite lists of libraries.

JDK Utilities
JDK has comes with comprehensive functions for Collections(List, Set, Map) and Arrays. Most collection related functions like Sorting, Searching, Union, Swapping, Reverse orders are already supported, which means that writing 2 nested for-loop for sorting and one for loop for searching are too outdated.

IO Related Utilities
When we deal with Java Streams, Reader, Writer and Files, writing buffer reading logics are too comsy and hard to get it right, like the try-catch-finally structure for Streams and Readers. IOUtils provides those static method for it.

String Utilities
There are String utilities comes from different libraries, they usually provide functions like substring, joining, regex matching, splitting, extraction and search & replace . Some of the functionality are overlapping, so, you need to look at the API before you start.

Bean Utilities
The Java Reflection API is inherently hard to use and error prone, we need to handle properties accessor, access level, value getter and setters. Spring provides BeanUtils and BeanWrappers that make this kind of access much easier.
BeanWrapper and BeanWrapperImpl
We can create a BeanWrapper and access the property value by property name (String).

More advanced data structure
Google Guava provides advanced data structure, like MultiSet (Count for an object occurrence), Multimap (Group objects under the same key), BiMap (Key->Value AND Value->Key mapping) and etc. You can think twice when you deal with Map or Map> which looks very complicated.

More collections utilities from Guava
Google Guava provides more advanced Collection related utilities, which is not provided by JDK Collections class, like Cartesian Products, Subset operation and etc. It may also be first steps to Java Functional programming and bridge to Java 8 Lambda expression.

Self Reflection on IT company structure

Interesting stories to share

I am imagining how’s CX handle this incident internally and how to avoid. CX “supposes” to have good system and control, every thing should have check and balance. Who should be responsible for this?????

Imagining there are standard in-house software development structure, different teams would have claims as followed.
Business User: IT is shit, making rubbish, charge me so much (transfer pricing). Fire them all!!! (Yes, they did, I think they deserve)

Business Analyst: I have already documented the user requirement and expectation, modifying the ticket class is not a valid use case, it should be security team responsibility, definitely not my fault.

Security Team: My responsibility is using the million dollars app scanner, network scanner, IDS (Intrusion detection system) and XYZXYZ (lots of buzz words) to do regular checking, I just know scanning, but nothing about business.

Dev Team: Such validation is not written on the specification, it makes no sense for me to implement it.

Micro-service Dev Team: This logic suppose to be validated by XXX Team, it is not my responsibility to re-validate and I am NOT TOLD TO DO SO.

Architect: (Playing fingers) It is business use case, not on my dish.

QA: BA, pls confirm(The requirement). DB Team, pls confirm. Dev Team, pls confirm. I don’t know who should I ask to confirm. I am just a test plan executor. I can be BA if I know the business well, I could be a programmer if I can code test case. This incident is definitely not my issue.

DB Team: I only deal with DB Structure and constraint.

Support / Customer Service: The phones are all ringing, the customer has fxxked us so hard. Dev Team, pls advice. BA, pls advice. DB Team, pls advice. Architect Team, pls advice.

Internal Audit Team: I am just a Business Man, knowing how to present and tender external party for auditing. I don’t really know how the system works, how could I audit to this level?

The management may claim everyone is responsible, but eventually it means no one is responsible.

It is ironic that simple script kiddie technique can break several million dollars project, and destroy the brand. I don’t think this is the only bug on the system or any other multi billions dollars organization, from banks, to hospitals, to varies online providers.

Disclaimer: Any similarity is mere coincidence

Setup IBM MQ on Ubuntu

My recently is recently integrating with a banking solution via IBM MQ, I need to install an IBM MQ for testing. Here are my steps for the installation

PS. IBM MQ 9.1 requires IPv6 for all communication, so, I fall back to IBM MQ 8.0

1. Download IBM MQ binary from IBM Website

2. Follow the following link for the installation

3. After installation, add ubuntu user (current user) to the “mqm” group

sudo usermod -aG mqm $USER

4. Up to now, the installation should be completed.

5. Setup Env and Queue Manager

There is a default MQ Installation (Installation1) setup, you can use the installation directly.

The program directory is /opt/mqm , you can find all command in /opt/mqm/bin , all subsequent execution are in that folder.

6. Create the MQ Manager

crtmqm QM1
strmqm QM1

7. Download the sample script from the following link, it will create some default queue and settings.

Modify the script, change the user from “app” to “ubuntu”


Execute the script

./runmqsc QM1 < ~/mq-dev-config.mqsc

8. MQ Server uses Linux user and user group for authentication and authorization, so, we need to assign more MQ Server privilege to Linux user group (mqm)

./setmqaut -m QM1 -t qmgr -g mqm +connect +inq
./setmqaut -m QM1 -n DEV.** -t queue -g mqm +put +get +browse +inq

9. Finally, since IBM MQ 7.5, Channel would also require authentication, but I have no idea on how it works yet, so the simplest solution is disabled that.

./runmqsc QM1

PS. We should figure out how to work properly with the channel authentication.

10. Testing with MQ Explorer

Install IBM MQ Explorer from the following link

You can use MQ Explorer to connect to .39 MQ Queue Manager.

Build my Fusion Drive with LVM-Cache

LVM Cache is a interesting feature that I saw some web review on the web. It can speed up traditional mechanical disk with a cache partition on SSD. Essentially the concept is the same as Windows Readyboost or Fusion Drive, which the caching is controlled by firmware.

Resize the SSD

e2fsck /dev/sda1

resize2fs /dev/sda1 100000M

Use GParted to adjust the partition size

Mark Data(sdb1), Cache(sda2) and Meta(sda3) as LVM PV

sudo pvcreate /dev/sdb1 

sudo pvcreate /dev/sda2

sudo pvcreate /dev/sda3

Create Volume Group with the PVs

# Must spare some space
sudo vgcreate VG /dev/sdb1 /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3

sudo lvcreate -l 95%FREE -n data VG /dev/sdb1

sudo lvcreate -l 95%FREE -n cache VG /dev/sda2

sudo lvcreate -l 95%FREE -n meta VG /dev/sda3

Create Cache Pool and config cache mode as Writeback (improve read / write performance)

sudo lvconvert --type cache-pool --poolmetadata VG/meta VG/cache

sudo lvconvert --type cache --cachepool VG/cache --cachemode writeback VG/data

In case you are unlucky that u encounter the cache corruption. You need to execute the following commands to rebuild the cache

vgchange -a y VG
lvchange -a y VG/data
lvconvert --repair VG/data


ActiveMQ Artemis quick start notes

I have played around with Artemis for a few days, here are the useful command I used. The exact config is stored at my github.

1. Create 2 brokers with port offset
artemis create mybroker1 –port-offset 0
artemis create mybroker2 –port-offset 0

2. Testing the producer and consumer
./artemis producer –url tcp://localhost:61616
./artemis consumer –url tcp://localhost:61616

3. Enabled clustered
See jgroup.xml and broker.xml , and

4. Load balancing
See broker.xml, Add in

5. Enable SSL for HornetQ OpenWire protocol
a. Provide keystore.jks and truststore.jks
b. Config the acceptor in broker.xml

Nginx per user directory

It is common for hosting company to share the same host and create per user directory, so that every user can browse with the following url.


It can be achieved easily by nginx configuration.

sudo vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

Add the following code under “server” section

location ~ ^/~(.+?)(/.*)?$ {
alias /home/$1/www$2;
autoindex on;

Add the user to www-data group

sudo usermod -aG www-data $USER

Change the www directory under user home to mod 755, so that others can access the folder with execute right

chown 755 -R ~/www/

MiniDLNA configuration

MiniDLNA is a uPnP server that allow you to play Video, Picture and Music over LAN via IP broadcasting protocol.

I have installed it in my Raspberry Pi as a mini-server at home, to stream video to my TV and my XiaoMi TVBox.

By default, it runs with “minidlna” user, it may not be so convenient for use because it is not a usual user, I need to manually copy files to the Pi and subsequently to the folder accessible by minidlna. It is related to the user privilege issue. Funny enough, simply change on folder to 666 doesn’t solve the problem because minidlna requires to access the folder along the path from “/”

Therefore, the only solution is to configure MiniDLNA to run on another user account rather than the default minidlna user.

The minidlna.conf is as followed

# Specify the user name or uid to run as.

Some notes

sshpass -p ‘*******’ rsync -avzh -e ‘ssh -p 40022’ XXXXFILEXXXX pi@XXXXX:Downloads/

# Search for my current IP
dig +short

We can use openssl command to verify the connection.

openssl s_client -connect -cert cont-public.cert -key cont.key

In order to create a java keystore, we have to create a P12 keystore first and then use keytool to import as Java Keystore. The commands are as followed.

openssl pkcs12 -export -in cont-public.cert -inkey cont.key -out cont20161209.p12 -name initiator
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore initiator.jks -srckeystore cont20161209.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -alias initiator

Finally, we “Trust” the public certificates

keytool -import -trustcacerts -file ullink.cert -alias ullink -keystore initiator.jks

And we can verify with the following command

keytool -list -v -keystore initiator.jks