Monthly Archives: November 2018

Commonly used Java libraries

Java is a classical general purposes language that can do most of the things. Java programming constructs are too primitive that people are complaining about writing redundant code, like sorting, searching, set union or intersection and etc on their own.

In fact, there are ready to use utility libraries that could save us hours in writing common logics, the only matter is the programmer attitude towards re-using others’ code or re-inventing the wheels.

Most of the utilities come from the following sources. I always search before I write code.
1. JDK
2. Apache Common
3. Spring Utilities
4. Google Guava

Here are my favourite lists of libraries.

JDK Utilities
JDK has comes with comprehensive functions for Collections(List, Set, Map) and Arrays. Most collection related functions like Sorting, Searching, Union, Swapping, Reverse orders are already supported, which means that writing 2 nested for-loop for sorting and one for loop for searching are too outdated.

IO Related Utilities
When we deal with Java Streams, Reader, Writer and Files, writing buffer reading logics are too comsy and hard to get it right, like the try-catch-finally structure for Streams and Readers. IOUtils provides those static method for it.

String Utilities
There are String utilities comes from different libraries, they usually provide functions like substring, joining, regex matching, splitting, extraction and search & replace . Some of the functionality are overlapping, so, you need to look at the API before you start.

Bean Utilities
The Java Reflection API is inherently hard to use and error prone, we need to handle properties accessor, access level, value getter and setters. Spring provides BeanUtils and BeanWrappers that make this kind of access much easier.
BeanWrapper and BeanWrapperImpl
We can create a BeanWrapper and access the property value by property name (String).

More advanced data structure
Google Guava provides advanced data structure, like MultiSet (Count for an object occurrence), Multimap (Group objects under the same key), BiMap (Key->Value AND Value->Key mapping) and etc. You can think twice when you deal with Map or Map> which looks very complicated.

More collections utilities from Guava
Google Guava provides more advanced Collection related utilities, which is not provided by JDK Collections class, like Cartesian Products, Subset operation and etc. It may also be first steps to Java Functional programming and bridge to Java 8 Lambda expression.

Self Reflection on IT company structure

Interesting stories to share

I am imagining how’s CX handle this incident internally and how to avoid. CX “supposes” to have good system and control, every thing should have check and balance. Who should be responsible for this?????

Imagining there are standard in-house software development structure, different teams would have claims as followed.
Business User: IT is shit, making rubbish, charge me so much (transfer pricing). Fire them all!!! (Yes, they did, I think they deserve)

Business Analyst: I have already documented the user requirement and expectation, modifying the ticket class is not a valid use case, it should be security team responsibility, definitely not my fault.

Security Team: My responsibility is using the million dollars app scanner, network scanner, IDS (Intrusion detection system) and XYZXYZ (lots of buzz words) to do regular checking, I just know scanning, but nothing about business.

Dev Team: Such validation is not written on the specification, it makes no sense for me to implement it.

Micro-service Dev Team: This logic suppose to be validated by XXX Team, it is not my responsibility to re-validate and I am NOT TOLD TO DO SO.

Architect: (Playing fingers) It is business use case, not on my dish.

QA: BA, pls confirm(The requirement). DB Team, pls confirm. Dev Team, pls confirm. I don’t know who should I ask to confirm. I am just a test plan executor. I can be BA if I know the business well, I could be a programmer if I can code test case. This incident is definitely not my issue.

DB Team: I only deal with DB Structure and constraint.

Support / Customer Service: The phones are all ringing, the customer has fxxked us so hard. Dev Team, pls advice. BA, pls advice. DB Team, pls advice. Architect Team, pls advice.

Internal Audit Team: I am just a Business Man, knowing how to present and tender external party for auditing. I don’t really know how the system works, how could I audit to this level?

The management may claim everyone is responsible, but eventually it means no one is responsible.

It is ironic that simple script kiddie technique can break several million dollars project, and destroy the brand. I don’t think this is the only bug on the system or any other multi billions dollars organization, from banks, to hospitals, to varies online providers.

Disclaimer: Any similarity is mere coincidence